I Made Wool!! I took two shades of purple fluff, spun it onto two bobbins, spun it again to ply the strands together, and produced something that vaguely resembles yarn!
It's lumpy, bumpy, thick and thin, uneven and inconsistent, and BEAUTIFUL 'cause I MADE IT all by myself! I feel like I've solved the mysteries of the universe. So as suspected, it's going to take a whole lot of practise to get better at it. But for now, the teenager, Diva, has requested a Ron Weasley jersey made out of this lumpy burgundy-coloured stuff, which is the perfect shade of Gryffindor and will have that wonky hand-made Mrs Weasley look about it. I'm not sure whether she wants a 'D' or an 'R' stitched on the front though. I think she might be slightly in love with Ron, but then, who isn't?
This may look like a book...(because it is, in fact, a book)..
...but open it up, and it's a bomb!!! No, seriously, it has a secret hidey compartment and a torch (the bulb shines through the top of the page edges). My son Spencer made this. He's destined for great things, that boy.
Cleo (see above) is relaxing on the sofa today as school was cancelled due to lack of interest....actually, she broke her toe playing dodgeball yesterday. Bad timimg really, as she has a karate grading this weekend, not quite sure how that's going to work...! Out of all my children, she is the only one to regularly break herself as she speeds, tackles and climbs through life. Little monkey. (See above).

This year I'm taking part in the Christmas ornament swap, and have been busy making six little festive creations to send off to my group. It's so much fun! I have just posted them off this morning, and have received one in return. I will post some photos once they have all been 'swapped'! Please check out Sew Funky and be inspired to take part next year!
Cheerio for now and have a happy day xxx
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